Spotty Dog Campsite provides tailor made activity courses for all ages and abilities. Our courses are designed to be fun and educational whilst pushing the abilities of the pupils involved while maintaining a safe environment to flourish.
We achieve this by incorporating a framework and outcomes that conform with Curriculum for Excellence. The main outcomes fall within Health and Well being and Social Studies and Science.
Our staff are all fully qualified, skilled and experienced in the activities provided at the same time being supportive and caring towards the pupils. They facilitate the activities to provide the safe environment for the pupils to go home with memorable experiences.
Using Curriculum for Excellence framework with our activities the pupils will surprise themselves with the success they achieve while building positive relationships with the people around them. These relationships develop through the teamwork within the activities, having responsibilities within the group and learning skills for life by understanding the consequences of their actions. At the end of which pupils and teachers will see each other in a new positive light.
All of these outcomes and the environment will ensure that pupils and teachers alike will want to come back again to our fun and exciting activities.
Contact us to check our availability for our site or any activities.
There are no upcoming events at this time.